About Time Newsletter #13 | Page 2


From the Editor

Kia ora Timebankers!

What a busy week. Timebank members met last Wednesday at Manuka Cottage for our fortnightly meeting. We had a couple of people stop in and learn more about timebanking and join too.

A big thank you to those who have made donations to our timebank to keep memberships free.

I am looking forward to creating some super simple and informative online videos showing how to record an exchange, edit your profile and send messages to members on our website so keep an eye out for them soon.

Happy timebanking,

Did you know?

Recording an exchange is easy!

Visit our website, login and put your mouse on "give and recieve" but don't click. A drop down list will appear. Move your mouse down to "record an exchange" and click.

Next be sure to tick the appropriate box for your exchange like help at home or education.

Then scroll down and type in the username of the member who recieved the help or service.

In the next box type the username of the member who provided the help or service. Remember to add a description of the exchange and input the hours. Don't worry about the minutes unless discussed with the member you are exchanging with.

Finally click "record"

Wulla! You have done it!