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Other hobbies very important in my life are Comics and Movies. I am a huge fan of DC and Marvel comics, Star Wars and all kind of Movies (all the geek stuff). The Flash is my favorite comic character; I love the tv show about him (I really like a couple of series more too). I love the 7th art, every time a new movie comes out I go to watch it on the premiere weekend.

I am not a person who reads a lot of books, but I like the books or texts (most of all histories) very symbolic or "master pieces of literature". I like Edgar Allan Poe. I like his writing style. Also, I love Greek mythology because I am linked to it since I was a kid. In high school, I read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series; I liked the history and the author so far. Even though I do not have a favorite author, those books are the ones I always would read again just because I enjoy them so much.

I am a lucky person. I could travel a couple of times to the USA, and I could live three months in Vancouver. Those experiences have given me a perspective of life because when I was on my first visit to the states I knew I wanted to live in a different country. I fell in love with New York city, so when I had the chance to go there once again I confirmed there was the place I will live in the future. Even though I had to come back from Canada (yes I was supposed to stay there living), I took that like the biggest experience not just for future travels but for my English understanding. Vancouver is definitely a place I will visit again one day, but now my principal goal is to finish college. After that, I want to move to Canada or USA and study Physics; It is one of my biggest passions, but I will tell you that next time.

My experiences

Vancouver, January 2016.

New York City, January 2015.

New York City, April 2014.