About Magazines Covington to Madison - February 2017 | Page 19

Know the Facts About SPLOST

Know the Facts About SPLOST

Newton County residents will be asked to vote on SPLOST on March 21 , 2017 . SPLOST is a 1 percent tax on all sales and uses to help municipalities in Newton County pay for projects . These proposed projects include improvements to the Emergency 911 center , improvements and expansion of the county ’ s senior center , a youth outreach for the westside , improvements for parks throughout the county , help with infrastructure for the county ’ s library system , improvements to the animal shelter and much-needed equipment and vehicles for the Sheriff ’ s Office , Fire Services , and county staff . It ’ s important to know the facts before you vote so you can make an informed decision .
7 Facts About SPLOST
• It is used only for infrastructure and debt services .
• It is anticipated to raise an estimated $ 64,800,000 for county and municipal projects .
• The sales tax will be imposed for six years .
• The tax won ’ t be additional . it is the same thing residents have been paying for since the 1995 SPLOST .
• Sales tax helps the county capture money from people traveling into the county and making purchases , regardless of them being a resident or not .
• SPLOST projects are managed through a committee of citizens .
• Every vote matters . In 2011 , several important projects were made a reality by a difference of 294 voters .
Many landmarks are now in the county due to SPLOST projects . The Miracle Field and the county ’ s agriculture center are projects that are under construction now because of the 2011 SPLOST . The county ’ s new Porter Performing Arts Center and the Porter Memorial Gymnasium were 2005 SPLOST projects . Other past projects include Lake Varner , the Turner Lake Complex ,
Porter Performing Arts Center Newton County Library , numerous road improvements , the expansion and emergency room at Newton Medical Center , the Newton County jail , and the Judicial Center . Everybody benefits from SPLOST . As a community , these and other SPLOST projects help improve our quality of life .
Newton County is already a great place to live , work , and play . Help us to make it an even better place by supporting the SPLOST initiative with your vote on March 21st .