I am mediocre.
Nothing special, the pure example of a dud.
Like a hushed voice, I am quickly forgotten as another begins speaking.
I am a whisper.
I echo—my sentences ringing down ever-twisting hallways;
Desperately trying to catch someone, anyone’s ear.
I am muffled, lost in a world of noise.
And I think to myself,
What difference does a whisper truly make?
Why bother trying to shout-
When you KNOW-
You will be-
Why get out of bed?
Why go to work? Or school? Or events?
Why create art? Or music?
Why do anything when you know for a fact you have nothing to contribute to society?
So—you give in to the gloom, and come to realize something grave:
A whisper has no place in a loud room.
Abi Edwards, 2019