He knows nothing about books, and doesn’t know where he will end up, but he continues to endure into the unknown. Over some difficult challenges throughout his journey to escape his life, his goals became more clear and his eyes finally saw the world differently. He realized how there is another life he could be living with these books, and he continues to share his knowledge and love of books to others.
The unknown can be scary and frightening, the safe path may always seem like the easy way out, but the feeling that there was a path that could lead to a better life and understanding of the world and oneself must be bothersome to one. The unknown is a troubled path full of risk and trouble but it leads to satisfaction. Skeeter would have never be able to make such a successful book without the risks she took; she would have never been able to open the eyes of society. Moreover, Montag would have never see the world in a different light, he would have never understand how important books are, and realize how selfish the government is, he would have continued on with his dull life and blinded by the laws and rules in his world. Taking risks are the only reason people in society were able to accomplish so much in the world, it’s the only reason people have rights, freedom, acceptance, and love. In today’s world, nothing would be possible without someone or something in the past happening without the endeavor for risk and failure. Driving straight into the unknown instead of settling for the safe option would not get our generation or society anywhere. Risks keep us alive.
Emily Christian, 2020