Abington High School Student Arts Magazine 2015-2016 | Page 45

My Anxiety Attack – Abbiejayne Cristoforo 2019

Heart fluttering faster than a hummingbird’s wings

Mind racing like a freight train

Hands that sweat hot and cold

And the air just won’t flow

My body tremors and my legs are weak

My mouth is too dry to swallow

The lump in my throat feels like a rock

Fear washes over me

I am desperate to make this stop

Why does this happen to me?

Help - Shayla Young 2018

Pain of suffering strikes lika a bolt of lightning

and people wonder if they would live or die.

But in order to sustain peace and freedom it must all start with a cry.

A cry for help for the lost souls we miss

for a life is so short, to cut it off shorter at a young age calls for a cry of despair

A cry for parents who are gone, for those who march at the beat of a war drum to those who are gone forever

A cry for our country. Not knowing if we will ever be at peace with each other

It only takes one tragedy to realize we need help

We live in a world where if we cry, we are weak at command

But all we need to turn a battlefield to a peacemaking world is a helping hand

This poem is dedicated to every tear that

was shed for the sake

of this world

you are not alone

The Sun - Madison O'Connell 2019

She tiptoes slowly into the sky,

Her gleaming face greets us every morning,

A shining smile shown big,

She wraps us in her warm hugs

as her rays dance through the sky.

She peeks out from behind the clouds

as if playing hide-and-seek.

She creeps back to rest

as the day comes to an end,

Preparing to start in the morning

all over again

Bringing joy to us every day

She is nature's alarm clock

Everyone waits to see each day.