Abina October 28, 2019 | Page 12

[page six]

On the ships

When they came to get up from the castle we passed through this door where people would lead us onto the ships, we were forced down to the lower deck and then chained to the floor there was hardly any room to move or stretch my legs, I miss my parents and my siblings and I wish I could see them but I know I never will.

I tried to keep count of all days we had been on the ship but It is difficult because I don't know when the sun sets or rises, they will sometimes allow the kids my age and younger to go up on the deck to see some sunlight but not very much. There have been many people who have gotten sick and then just disappeared and I'm not sure where they went but I overheard the adults saying they got fed to the sharks. It has been at least two or three months on the ship and I have gotten so skinny and lost my appetite because I have barely ate, the most that I will eat 1 meal a day.