Abc's: Atomic Bible for Children 2017 SCRIPT | Page 2

BEAT Columbus and Diego swing in hammocks slung between two trees. The Spanish men smoke the Native's pipes. Slaves are seen being shipped to Spain for Slavery. After many years, Columbus is reprimanded by King Ferdinand, who demands his return to Spain for his unsavory conduct. COLUMBUS Is affixed in chains like a wild beast and sent back to Spain. The Sentence is served on him, restraining him from Lordship over the New World. It demands his return at once to Spain. FLASHBACK ENDED DISSOLVE TO: EXT. THE MILKY WAY SUPER: "11:59:30" GALACTIC MONTAGE: As the Milky Way floats in the liquid of space, the time of her fulfillment draws near. The center of the MILKY WAY is a golden crown on the top the spiraling arms of stars and dust of the Galaxy. THE ORION ARM OF THE GALAXY: LOCATION OF MILKY WAY Moving into the location of our SOLAR SYSTEM we pass over planets: Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars. 'Eye-Spy' the NORAD Satellite is seen beeping. Information is being related to the Air Base. “DECEMBER 19, 2017” (FLASHING RED LIGHT) 25 | P a g e