ABClatino Magazine Year 9 Issue 2 | Page 5



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Audio en Español | Audio in Spanish


Turning Inward

Have you noticed how difficult it is to solve the “problems” we have in our daily lives? Many times, individually

and as humanity, we endlessly repeat situations that go against our “happiness”.


If we summarize most of our problems, we can see that they are reduced to the space of our body (matter), our sensations (mind) and the social sphere. And in these three spaces, it is very difficult to think, solve and transcend because we are immersed in seeing

life as a problem.


This is why so many paths, shamans, yoga, and so many other ancient traditions speak of the need to turn inward. Because inward, void of the

past and the future, we can clearly see what really is, the conscious essence

of the present. And only by seeing that which is, can we transform our lives towards happiness.

More in the video in Spanish.