ABClatino Magazine Year 8 Issue 8 | Page 7

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 que cumple 10 años difundiendo noticias de Latinoamérica

celebrating 10 years spreading news from Latin America

Recent studies indicate that in Latin America only 48% of the population believes in democracy to solve their problems. And politics as a way to participate and influence democracy is increasingly distant from citizens.


Winston Churchill in 1947 argued that democracy, government of the people, for the people and by the people, was the worst form of government, except for all the other forms that were tried. Plato, 2,500 years ago in his treatise The Republic spoke about the different forms of government in ancient Greece and highlighted the dangers of democracy when it distanced itself from the common good.


Today, the common good seems to be far from the minds of those who govern us, subject to the petty interests of large economic, social and cultural entities and their incalculable resources that buy everything.


What options are left for ordinary citizens and young generations to build a more equitable society with possibilities for all?


Pocho Salcedo

Enrique Rob Lunski