With the participation of works some of the most relevant visual artists of the discipline in the city of Mar del Plata, the judging of the 2nd Salon of Painting Prize was held Acquisition "Art in the Center" of the Center of Builders and Annexes. The first edition of the Hall became a cultural landmark in the city, obtaining the Institution the Prize Alfonsina Storni 2017 to the Plastic Arts delivered by the Ministry of Culture of the Municipality of Gral. Pueyrredon by virtue of "promoting individual or overall values that develop their actions during a calendar year and that culturally hierarchize the Party of General Pueyrredón".
On this occasion, the jury, composed of Gladys Rousseau, Pablo Hansen and José
Petroli, referents of the activity in the city award the First Prize Acquisition to the work "Humidity", acrylic on canvas by Lorena Saffarano. The Second Acquisition Prize was obtained Claudia Ecenarro for the work in acrylic on canvas "Untitled", while Miriam Guadalupe Mata is awarded the Gundy Artistic Prize for "Portrait in perspective", acrylic
on panel.
Five special mentions of jury are also awarded to Soledad Rebaudi, María
Carolina Rumbo, Guillermo Larocca, Víctor Latorre and Mariana Santoro.
Below is the complete list of selected works that will participate in the exhibition of
the Hall, whose opening ceremony will be on August 9 with official authorities and the Institution, artists and general public:
AGLIANO Sergio Italo, AGÜERO Adriana, BORROME Carlos, CHRISTIANSEN Gustavo,
IHLENFELD Jorge, LA TORRE Víctor Miguel, LAROCCA Guillermo, LESPADA Juan Carlos,
LORENZO Silvia, MANDAGARAN Dante, MARTIN Eduardo Ruben, MATA Miriam Guadalupe,
MENA Gustavo Javier, MENDIGUREN María Marcela, MINARDI Eduardo, MUELAS Lilian
Noemí, NUÑEZ Gisela, ORTIZ DI RENZO Estefanía, OYARZO Alicia, PAZOS Diego Oscar,
PERSELLO Marcela Alejandra, REBAUDI Soledad, ROBLES Claudio Alejandro, ROVEDA
Claudio, RUMBO María Carolina, SAFFARANO Lorena, SANTA MARIA Carlos Hugo,
SANTIAGO Nahuel, SANTORO Mariana “Miyu”, VOUILLOZ Nahuel y ZORATTI Alejandro.