Por /By Diane M Nickerson, MS Ed.
Castle Island Bilingual Montessori
Bilingual Education
Children do acquire two (or more) languages in just the same was we have each acquired our first language and their brains become more flexible and better able to make abstract connections and often excel in areas beyond language including mathematics, music, engineering, and leadership.
Bilingual brains know how to find solutions through making multiple connections to solve complex situations, whether the problem is to find the meaning of a word or the answer to a multi-step algebra problem.
One of the most effective approaches for providing an environment for children to become bilingual is when a household or a classroom can provide a child with daily access to two adults, each who speaks in just one language with the child.
When conversation or lessons are
personalized, the child develops a relationship with the language at the same time he or she develops a relationship with the adult.
The child can access concrete understanding in acquiring two languages fluently and, in a school, can access learning academics at the same time.
Castle Island Bilingual Montessori