ABClatino Magazine Year 7 Issue 12 | Page 7

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 que cumple 10 años difundiendo noticias de Latinoamérica

celebrating 10 years spreading news from Latin America

"Brazil once again dialogues with everyone and commits itself to the search for a world without hunger and at peace"

President of Brazil

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

After being unjustly persecuted, insulted, prosecuted and banned, Lula returns to power in the largest country in Latin America with the strength of the votes and the conviction of knowing that he is the center of all eyes in the Patria Grande.


These are some of the definitions that both he and his brand-new cabinet have let us glimpse about his foreign policy. (Infobae)


-   According to the Folha de São Paulo newspaper, Lula will make Brazil return to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).


-   Brazil will also return to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), from which he had left with Bolsonaro. CELAC was created at the behest of Chávez in 2011 as a Latin American challenge to the Organization of American States (OAS). Neither the United States nor Canada are members. The next CELAC meeting will be the reason for Lula's first trip as president to Argentina, on January 24, where he will meet his colleague Alberto Fernández, who had personally invited him during his visit to Sao Paulo, immediately after his election victory.


-    The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, tried to minimize criticism from those who fear extreme multipolarism in the new government and declared that, at the beginning of his term, Lula will not travel to Nicaragua, Cuba or Venezuela, although "Brazil intends to support the return of Venezuela to Mercosur”.


-    Regarding the free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, Vieira was positive. "The European Union is now better prepared because Lula's statement on his environmental strategy, which was one of the obstacles, was very clear."


-    Precisely, environmental diplomacy intends to be the visiting card of the new government in the world. At the COP-27 on the environment held in November in Egypt, the president-elect met with the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Gutiérrez, whom he asked to host the 2025 Climate Conference in the Amazon.