ABClatino Magazine Year 7 Issue 10 | Page 17

Por / By Robert Fuchs, Esq.

Por / By Robert Fuchs, Esq.

Proud to

be an




Now that we celebrated Latino Heritage Month, I am proud to acknowledge my Latino heritage and the sacrifices that my mother and her parents made in order that I can be an “American Citizen.”

My mother was born in Cuba, and she came to the United States when an uncle petitioned my grandfather, his wife and their children. They entered legally through a family petition, but that doesn’t make them better than other immigrants who are forced to come illegally.They are great people who became citizens because they

contributed to our society here in the United States. They weren’t criminals or abusers, and they worked hard and raised families. One uncle, served in Vietnam, a couple of uncles were police officers in New York City.

They all love or loved this country and they never wanted to go back to Cuba, even if they could. If my family can teach other Latinos anything, it is the fact that it is important to become a U.S. citizen so that you can have a say in your family’s destiny in our great nation.