The recent elections in Colombia open up a flow of hope that, like a shower of stars, heralds new times on the continent. Mexico (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador), Argentina (Alberto Fernandez), Colombia (Gustavo Petro), Chile (Gabriel Boric), Peru (Pedro Castillo), Bolivia (Luis Arce), Honduras (Xiomara Castro), constitute a range of possibilities for our peoples.
All these countries have
democratically elected governments that put the interests of the people who elected them before the interests of the large national and international corporations and the designs of the imperialist countries.
If we add to this range the growing possibility in the polls that Lula Da Silva will return to the presidency of Brazil, there is no doubt that these are promising times...
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Por / By Enrique Rob Lunski
New winds are blowing…
“La vacuna es un bien global que debe socializarse”
~Alberto Fernández,
Presidente de Argentina
La Historia No Oficial