ABClatino Magazine Year 6 Issue 3 | Page 7

Ahhh, politics!

What a legacy we received from the Greeks! Politics, in itself, is neither good nor bad. In practice and around the world it is a stick in the wheel of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the vision of La Patria Grande.

It is inconceivable that in these times child poverty continues to exist worldwide, in Latin America and in the US And if

not, look at this study published by the Washington Post: 

Child poverty increased by 41% in January after Biden's benefits program has expired, according to a study.

Lack of political decision driven by human pettiness. The tragic thing is that politics is also the solution, but our human development of empathy and consideration for others is marginalized and without it there will never be the political will to change the world. 

It's not about systems, it's about humanity!

Pido a todos los que tienen responsabilidad política que recuerden dos cosas: la dignidad humana y el bien común. 

~Papa Francisco

I ask everyone with political responsibility to remember two things: human dignity and the common good. 

~Pope Francis

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Por / By Enrique Rob Lunski

child poverty: an unforgivable scourge

La vacuna es un bien global que debe socializarse”

~Alberto Fernández,

Presidente de Argentina

La Historia No Oficial

LEER / READ Washington Post: