Por / By Enrique Rob Lunski & Pablo Sadler, M.D. M.PH.
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Responses to the
Pandemic in Latin America
Latin America has responded to the pandemic in a dissimilar way, without coordination, and this has produced and produces unnecessary deaths. This is also reflected in the disparate way the population is being vaccinated. However, there are some attempts that point to a fairer sense of vaccine distribution.
Argentina and Mexico co-produce the AstraZeneca vaccine for dissemination in all Latin American countries. Argentina also begins the production of the Sputnik VIDA vaccine for Argentina, then the scale manufacturing for export to the region and the world.
Argentina was the first country in Latin America to officially approve Sputnik V in its territory, as an emergency. It is now registered in 65 countries. Its efficacy, according to scientific studies published in the Lancet, is 91.6%.
Pablo Sadler, M.D. M.PH.