Intellect or Intelligence, Knowledge or Consciousness Emotion or Reason
Emoción o Razón
Por / By Enrique Rob Lunski Ph.D. - President GET . e360 . ABClatino
Vista parcial / Partial view: Orion Nebula/Messier 42/NGC 1976. Gaisberg, Salzburg. Austria. © Rochus Hess.
What prevails in our conversations and in our understanding of what we call “everyday reality”?
Intellect, Knowledge, and Emotion respond to how we plant ourselves in the world through the mind and heart, they are primary responses.
Intelligence, Consciousness, and Reason require an effort of investigation, analysis, and introspection.
To be human is to use all these qualities in a balanced way, which gives way to Empathy, the quality to relate and think in the well-being of all living things in the planet.
Listen to the full editorial HERE: