ABClatino Magazine Year 5 Issue 12 | Page 7

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Por / By Inés Castro Almeyra

Clothes are old…

La vacuna es un bien global que debe socializarse”

~Alberto Fernández,

Presidente de Argentina

La Historia No Oficial

Older adults are an increasingly important part of our societies. However, they are usually invisible and we have many prejudices that we are not aware

of. In her talk, Inés Castro Almeyra shows us a reality that requires urgent action so that we can all live fully until the end of our lives.

She has a degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires. She did her Masters in Social Policy at the London School of Economics with a Chevenning Scholarship from the British Government.

For 20 years, she worked on institutional strengthening and fund development issues in social organizations such as Junior Achievement, CIPPEC and Chequeado. At the Navarro Viola Foundation, she discovered her passion and commitment to issues related to older people.

She is the co-founder of Nau Experiencias, a platform of creative experiences designed especially for an audience of 50 years and over.

Esta charla se dió en un evento TEDx utilizando el formato de conferencia TED

pero organizado de forma independiente por una comunidad local.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format

but independently organized by a local community.

Video en español con subtítulos en inglés.

Video in Spanish with English subtitles.


Gracias a Norma Pritzker por compartir este material.

Thanks to Norma Pritzker for sharing this material.