ABClatino Magazine Year 5 Issue 11 | Page 17

The Skunk in Love with the Moon

Version by María Cristina Brusca and Tona Wilson.

From the book When Jaguars Ate the Moon. Henry Holt, New York.

Crédito de fotos / Photo credits: Miguel Cordeiro

Miguel Cordeiro was born in Salvador (BA) Brazil in 1956. Self-taught artist, he began his career in the first half of the 1970s with works in design, collage and painting. His main influences were Pop Art, Rock, comics and books of writers linked to the movement of the Counterculture.

He is recognized as one of the pioneers of Graffiti and Street Art in Brazil, in 1979 he created the Faustino character, which portrayed aspects of human behavior in a world of permanent transformation.

Artista / Artist: Miguel Cordeiro

Curadora / Curator: Elisa Pritzker

Shamanic Horse in Reverse, 2021

Acrylic, spray paint, oil paint, charcoal, marker, pen, wallpaper, mounted on canvas, 0,65 m x 0,50 m

The Great Reset n°2, 2021

Acrylic, spray paint, oil paint, marker, pen,

wallpaper, mounted on canvas, 0,80 m x 0,70 m