ABClatino Magazine Year 4, Issue 2 | Page 7


“Analyzing the nature of "metropolis-satellite" relations throughout Latin America's history as a chain of successive subordinations, the German sociologist André Gunder Frank has highlighted, in one of his works, that the regions today most marked by underdevelopment and poverty are those that in the past have had closer ties with the metropolis and have enjoyed periods of boom. They are the regions that were the largest producers of goods exported to Europe or, later, to the United States, and the largest sources of capital: regions abandoned by the metropolis when business for one reason or another declined. Potosí provides the clearest example of this fall into emptiness.” The Open Veins of Latin America, Eduardo Galeano


Potosi: Rich Past, Impoverished Present

By Enrique Rob Lunski con Juan Carlos Pocho Salcedo