ABClatino Magazine Year 3 Issue 4 | Page 5


Enrique Rob Lunski Ph.D., President

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Abril / April 2019

It is with sorrow in my heart that we begin the Month of the Earth with a news recently announced by Greenpeace (world organization for the protection of the environment): Of the ten

most contaminated cities in South America, nine are in Chile.

How? Why? What happened to this trans-andean country that I called home for a while? Except for Santiago, a city that is located in a geographical depression of the land where air circulation is very difficult, the rest of the cities are located in various regions that until recently were pristine.

There are three valuable jewels that South America possesses: History and its People, the Millennial Culture and the Pristine and not fully exploited Environment.

Or we want to follow the example of other continents where there is no longer abundant drinking water, the air is toxic, and the earth does not germinate unless it is infiltrated with chemical agents that end up in our bodies.

How long are we going to continue raping our Mother?

Pachamama Cries

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