ABClatino Magazine Year 3 Issue 11 | Page 17

Myths & Legends

Myths & Legends

Myths and Legends of Latinoamérica

El Silbón (The whistler)

Read about this Legend HERE

El Silbón (The whistler) is a legendary figure in Colombia and Venezuela, associated especially with Los Llanos, described as a lost soul. The legend arose sometime in the middle of the 19th century.

According to the legend, the spirit is a youth who murdered and disembowelled his father for killing his wife, saying that she was a “slut”, and that she was asking for it. Afterwards, his grandfather ordered the youth to be tied to a post in the middle of the countryside, and lashed him until his back was destroyed. His wounds were then cleaned with alcohol and he was released with two rabid, starving dogs set upon him. Before releasing him, his grandfather condemned him to carry the bones of his father for all eternity.