ABClatino Magazine Year 2 Issue 9 | Page 21

Controlling Your Finances Starts with Thinking Differently

By Jasmin Vazquez


Before I get into a conversation about money, I want you to know, you are not alone. 80% of American families worry constantly about living paycheck to paycheck. Money related stress tears apart modern marriages. The good news is that knowledge is power: the power to recognize patterns and make one small change. That change must start in your mind.

Our biggest challenge is not the outside world. It is the things we tell ourselves. Do you deserve financial stability? I have run into so many hardworking families that have convinced themselves they will never retire, nor arrange their savings in a way that prevents their children from facing the same struggle. The way you think about money matters...

As a financial coach in training, Jasmin focuses on educating the middle class on how to earn and save more money. She can be contacted via email at [email protected]

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