ABClatino Magazine Year 2, Issue 5 | Page 11

Mental Health

By Dora Ines Grosso Garcia,

Holistic Psychologist


Did you know that the deepest bond that all human beings have, is the one we established with our mother in the womb?

The bond with our mother is the basis of all the links we establish in life, with ourselves, with other people, with the earth, with nature and with the way we face the world.

We have a very deep link with our origin, it is from where we build our sense of life. It is important to review the transcendence of the mother and rescue all the positive aspects that come from her ...

The Body of the Mother represents the field of our evolution, it is from where we receive life, it is where the strength of our being is created, it is the most precious value of humanity, it is the evidence that we can recreate to transcend, since Through it, the fundamental principles and values ​​of the Being are formed...

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