ABClatino Magazine Year 2, Issue 4 | Page 22

Como Google lanzó recientemente la certificación Google IT Support Professional a través de la plataforma de aprendizaje Coursera, pensé que sería interesante cubrir lo que ofrece una certificación de Google.

Google IT Support Professional Certification es una serie de 6 cursos orientada a cualquier persona que desee obtener soporte de IT, transición de soporte de IT a otro departamento, alguien que quiere mejorar sus habilidades actuales en soporte de IT o quién necesita un repaso de las fundaciones del IT. Tienes que pasar las 6 clases para recibir la certificación.

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Educación en línea gratuita: Google IT Support Certification

Por JM Lucien

As Google recently released the Google IT Support Professional Certification through the Coursera learning platform, I thought it would be interesting to cover what a Google Certification offers.

The Google IT Support Professional Certification is a 6-course series geared towards anyone looking to get into IT Support, transition to IT support from another department, wants to build on his current skill sets in IT support, or who needs a refresher on the foundations of IT. You have to pass all 6 classes to receive the certification...

Free online education: Google IT Support Certification

by JM Lucien


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