ABClatino Magazine Year 2, Issue 1 | Page 12

"Un recuento del 2017

en el mundo del Futbol"

"A recount of 2017 in the world of Soccer"

By Manuel Blas,

Economist, Mexican,

passionate about sports

(Kingston, NY) Se nos acaba el tiempo. El 2018 está a la vuelta de la esquina. Un recuento del 2017 y los eventos que nos esperan en el 2018. La lista final de las Selecciones a la Copa del Mundo 2018 son: por el continente Africano; Egipto, Marruecos, Túnez, Nigeria y Senegal...

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(Kingston, NY) We are running out of time. 2018 is around the corner. Let’s recount what happened in the soccer world in 2017 and see what the events for 2018 are. The final list of selections for the 2018 FIFA World Cup are: for the African continent: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria and Senegal. From Asia: Australia, Iran, Japan, Republic of South Korea and Saudi Arabia...

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Por Manuel Blas Sánchez Economista, mexicano, apasionado por el deporte