L e t´s T a l k H e a l t h
Hyperthyroidism can occur in up to 10% of the population. its symptoms are tiredness, loss of hair, fragile skin with a sensation of swelling. feeling of continuous cold, do not sweat like before. It can also cause depression and anxiety. In women, it causes misalignments at the mestrual level and constipation.
The thyroid hormones are chemical substances, produced and secreted by the thyroid gland. They are essential for metabolism and normal development. The thyroid is a crucial gland of the endocrine system, it is one of the glands that secrete hormones in the blood to regulate various functions of the body.
problems arise because a very important number of functions in the body are affected. The most common diseases are Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Thyroid nodules, Thyroiditis, Thyroid cancer
This disease has no cure but can be controlled by replacing the amount of hormones that your gland can not produce on its own.
Monica Schwarcz, MD
Westchester Medical Center
Health Network
Valhalla, NY
If function is altered in the production of thyroid hormones, either by defect (hypothyroidism) or by excess (hyperthyroidism),