L e t ' s T a l k H e a l t h
Cognitive therapy with a specialist.
Medications such as seratonin and neropinephrine receptor inhibitors, buspirone and others. All under the recommendation of a specialist.
Anxiety is a common and normal reaction to a threat or stress. It can alert us to a danger and help prepare us to relate to our environment. When anxiety becomes excessive, it persists and begins to cause somatic symptoms or behavioral disturbances, such as evasion of places, people or circumstances, it becomes a mental disorder
Symptoms: irritability, fatigue, muscle tension, sleep disorders, headaches and gastrointestinal problems.
The most common in terms of panic, are palpitations, swelling, chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Eunice Hoolihan, MD
Family Medicine
Health Quest Medical Practice
Prevention: increase physical activity, avoid caffeine and alcohol, be part of support groups.
Do not isolate yourself, let your family and friends help you. Seek professional help, even if you don't want to take medication, there are treatments available.