ABClatino-Hablemos de Salud May -Year 1- Volumen 1 | Page 4

MidHudson Regional Hospital part of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network

241 North Road

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

(845) 483-5000

Brandon Lee Richardson es un productor musical de apenas 27 años que vive en el Hudson Valley. En 2017 fue diagnosticado con Diabetes tipo 1 y 2 combinada. Hoy nos cuenta su experiencia, habla de su descedencia latina y cómo sus habitos alimenticios se han visto influenciados.

Brandon Lee Richardson is a 27-year-old music producer who lives in the Hudson Valley. In 2017 he was diagnosed with type 1 and 2 diabetes combined. Today he tells us about his experience, talks about his Latin background and how his eating habits have been influenced.

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Art: Barbara Masterson

American Diabetes Association

[email protected]