ABClatino-Hablemos de Salud Años 2 Volumen 23(clone) | Page 4

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Boletín GRATUITO - FREE Newsletter

The views expressed in this newsletter are the opinion of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ABClatino, its employees or the organization.


This program is made possible in part thanks to funding from

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Historia de Vida

Life Story

Cristian and Rafael are part of the group "Tu Despertar" and they met ABClatino to tell their story of life. How they came to need help to overcome their addictions and how this group has changed their lives.

Cristian y Rafael son parte del grupo "Tu Despertar" y se encontraron con ABClatino para contar su historia de vida. Como llegaron a necesiar de ayuda para superar sus adicciones y como este grupo ha cambiado sus vida.



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