ABClatino-Hablemos de Salud April Year 1 - Volume 1 | Page 3

L e t´s T a l k H e a l t h

Welcome to our new Initiative: ABClatino Let's Talk Health. A bilingual newsletter - digital and printed- focused on Health issues that affect our community. Also, we’ll create an easily accessible virtual library on our website. There you will find life stories, videos, audios and recommendations ... because our health is important!

This program is possible thanks, in part to a generous grant from the Foundation for Community Health.


by Maria Elena Ferrer

Leader of Athena Network New York

Migratory mourning is a term referring to a little-known suffering immigrants face as they become separated from and experience losses of family, culture, language, land, social status, ethnicity and other changes associated with migration. Conversations about migration are often limited to its demographic and economic effects, disregarding the psychosocial and other human aspects. “It is vital to recognize the complex reality immigrants face,” says migratory mourning expert Joseba Achotegui, M.D., Ph.D.

“There is a tendency to devalue the human aspects of migration because they cannot be standardized on graphs, tables or algorithms.”

Listen to this audio in the digital version of this newsletter at