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U U User’s Manual: The Grand Domestic Revolution : User’s Manual: The Grand Domestic Revolution is Casco’s long term ‘living research’ project developed in partnership with Utrecht Manifest: Biennial for Social Design. The project explores the potential of the domestic sphere as a locus for creating ‘the commons’, a self-organised form of sharing both material and immaterial resources, by means of artistic, organisational and spatial design operations. The project takes its title from a book by architectural historian Dolores Hayden on the late 19th century material feminist design movement in the United States that communalised the spaces of isolated domestic work by building public kitchens, communal apartments, cooperative childcare facilities, organising their own working and living cooperatives and were involved with town planning. GDR recalls this multi-faceted social movement, and by means of action research, artistic investigation, theory and design/architectural practice, searches for other forms of living that subvert capitalist organisations of society. (E-Flux)