Everyday life:
Friedrich Engels located the origins
of female alienation in domestic
space in the slow formation of the
nuclear family. In his analysis, he
described how in a context of prosperity, men could overthrow the
system of matrilineal inheritance
and would assume authority for the
transmission of private property.
Here Engels makes explicit how the
validity of the class system would
have allowed the development of an
unequal sharing of resources and
means of production between men
and women.
“More the everyday
life and its speech
bury life by negating death, the better
they are consolidated
within ambiguity and
a generalized compromise: between life
and death, between
presence and absence,
between thought and
non-thought, between
the will of will and the
thought of thought,
between the inventive and the repetitive,
between the desire
and the non-desire,
between sublime attitudes and abyssal
‘Critique of the everyday life’, Tome III – Henri Lefebvre
Friedrich Engels