ABCedaire C | Page 2

C Chambres d’amis: Chambres d’Amis was an historical exhibition conceived by curator Jan Hoet with SMAK (Ghent) in 1986. He invited artists (such as Boltanski, Kosuth, Thek, Buren, Weiner, Graham…) to show their works in 58 houses or apartments in the streets of Genth. It is still the most inspiring exhibition in domestic context. “Intriguingly titled ‘Chambres d’Amis’ –-‘guest rooms’,” or, literally, ‘friends’ rooms’-– the show places art in 58 houses belonging to everyday townspeople, carrying the work outside the separate universe, the total institution, of the museum, to bring it within the private zone of the private home, an asocial place insofar as it is removed from the public arena. His [Hoet’s] project takes the exhibition structure off its hinges, goes beyond the limits of the frame and spills over, whole, into an interior. Art here no longer offers a mirror or a window, nor constitutes the privileged sign of a choice, but is an actual, provocative presence, confirming its difference both from the museum space, which has lost its sanctity, and from the contextual frame in which the object serves as a fetish.”