ABCD Pittsburgh Chapter Newsletter January 2014 | Page 2
Message from the President:
inally, a transportation budget has been passed. Our state government has listened to the
demands of its citizens, and as a result improved safety in regards to roads and bridges can be
achieved. I am certain that most will have at least some issue with this current bill, but as with
most governmental affairs compromise is inevitable. Overall, we should be thankful that this bill
provides funding to improve a deteriorating Pennsylvania infrastructure.
The November meeting was a very informative and entertaining presentation by Thomas Leech, PE, SE
of Gannett Fleming on The Structures of the Phoenix Sky Train. The presentation was well received,
with interest from membership in the struggles of a large scale project involving a major international
airport. We appreciate the generosity of our membership in the donations to the North Hills
Community Outreach, who was also in attendance. Also, we want to once again thank Vector Corrosion
Technologies, and Rachel Stiffler who was in attendance, for sponsoring the social hour.
On January 23, Kenneth Wright, PE of HDR and John Tracy of Walsh Construction will be presenting on
the I‐90 Cleveland Innerbelt CCG‐1 project, which details the expedition of a project through design‐
build construction. ABCD and ASCE Structural Engineering Institute will be cohosting this event.
The ABCD Annual Awards Dinner will be held on May 21, 2014. If your company is considering
submitting an entry, information will be released soon as to the criteria for entry.
For those interested in becoming more involved in ABCD, you are always welcome to attend the board
meetings which typically occur prior to the Social Hour. Our board and committees are always seeking
additional excited participants.
Alex P. O’Neill, PE
ABCD Pittsburgh Chapter President
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