If you have lived in this area for any amount of time , you have probably noticed that we get a lot of rain and are very familiar with cloudy days . This is exactly what moss and fungi needs to take over your roof . Roof cleanings are one of the most important maintenance items on any homeowner ’ s checklist .


Published exclusively for clients of YOUR _ COMPANY _ NAME

What is that SCARY Green Stuff ?

If you have lived in this area for any amount of time , you have probably noticed that we get a lot of rain and are very familiar with cloudy days . This is exactly what moss and fungi needs to take over your roof . Roof cleanings are one of the most important maintenance items on any homeowner ’ s checklist .
Leaving moss and other debris on your roof will eventually cause leaks , rot and deterioration . Homeowners often try to prevent these problems by pressure washing their roof . But did you know it isn ’ t always the right option and can damage your roof if not done correctly ?
At YOUR _ COMPANY _ NAME , we want to help you prevent that from happening . Read on to learn helpful tips to know before pressure washing your roof .
Do not ever pressure wash composition shingle roofs . The high or low-pressure water on composition shingles can loosen or remove the granules , causing unnecessary wear and tear . Instead , opt for a manual brush-off , a gentler option , for removing the moss build up .
Tile roofs are generally okay to pressure wash . In fact , pressure washing may be your only option to get it looking clean again . The one exception is old
See “ SCARY ” on next page

ABC Roofing Company

123.456.7890 www . abccleaningwebsite . com

Ken has been with ABC Roofing Company for 5 years . He takes great pride in offering his clients the very best in the roofing repairs , replacements , and coatings for commercial and residential properties . If you ’ re looking for a dedicated , and trustworthy roofing company , call Ken today .