5. After an anger outburst you felt like:
A. They had it coming to them
B. I hope we can repair this damage and not stop being friends, family, etc...
C. I gave them chance after chance and now time is up
D. Until you do right by me, everything you do is going to fail !!
6. You make others angry by:
A. By being angry with them first
B. By talking too much or without thinking
C. By not talking and being honest
D. Acting like your $#!+ don't stink!
D. Until you do right by me, everything you do is going to fail !!!
1 How do you define mad?:
A. Highly dissatisfied with someone or about
B. Feelings of deep betrayl or of being attacked
C. Outburst of wrath and anger
D. The emotional presence of not being happy,
content or sad.
2 What things make you mad?:
A. Loss of control of peope or
B. Social rejection or being cast out
of the in crowd or groups
C. Unannounced changes or
disruptions- lack of consistencey
D. Doing something wrong or being
accused of being wrong
3 When you are angry you:
A. You want to physically harm someone
or something
B. Are liable to say and do anything
without thinking first
C. You have waited a long time before you
finally exploded
D. No longer have rules or respect for the
other person- that's why you prefer to
work alone
Be Angry! Sin NOT!!
4 Out of anger, you've actually:
A. Physically fought or attacked someone
B. Said things you wish you could take back
C. Walked away never to return again
D. Plotted, mediated and acted on the demise of
someone who crossed
8 AB Ministries / March 2017