Music for ANGRY Soul
Music for the Mad Saint's Soul
Now by no means do I go around quoting Katt Williams but I have to give him props for helping us with HATERS. He said '.... the ONLY thing we should be doing is trying to figure out how to make our haters HATE on us so more!' That tickled me.
But vengence is the Lord's! and He tells us,
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head."
AND you can play some Canton!
We often forget that we have a real enemy whose goal is kill, steal and destroy- John 10:10. He understands that we have a treasure in our earthen vessel better than we do and therefore it behooves him to side track us, ruin our witness and character and ultimately make us walk away from God. However, Christ came that we might have life and life more abundantly. Music or Praise is on weapon to deflate and defeat the evil one- so enjoy!!
The Joy Of Your Salvation
I love this song so much! The first time I heard it, it brought tears to my eyes. No matter how bad a day we may have or how we let our flesh get the best of us THAT time, we can listen to this song and be reminded of what God did, why God did it and the reason we can brush ourselves off and do the work of the Lord. A sinner can't bring others into Christ's Kingdom but we can! Don't stop! Keep GOING!
For the spirit of heaviness put on the garment of praise!- Is 61:3 Once anger subsides sadness can set in. We can feel lost, deceived, betrayed and let down. But what Satan means for evil God means it for our good- So rejoice for what is to come & do it in advance!
Wanting To Give Up?
We have to let both the enemy know and ourselves know that YEA! in all things we are more than conquerers. When things are happening fast enough or the way we planned we must know that we are in process; God's process. It's not about accomplishments alone, it's more about be maturing us to be His church with out a spot or a wrinkle! augue augue.Nunc odio massa, sodales et consectetur a, iaculis eget sapien. Mauris dignissim, arcu id faucibus laoreet, justo tortor imperdiet tellus, et egestas quam velit ac ligula.
16 AB Ministries/March 2017