here are so many
compelling verses
about the love of
God! His love is
beyond our comprehension, it's deeper than we can ever imagine and it's eternal which is beyond our scope. God created one thing that He would give His heart to and for. Not even the fallen angels have a way to be redeemed; how special are we?!!
The Gospel of John is written by whom is known as Christ's 'beloved disciple'. His gospel, unlike, Matthew's, Mark's, and Luke's covers extensvively who Christ is. He doesn't provide a natural genology but John 1:1 reveals that, "In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God and The Word was God." Then in verse 14, he reveals, "And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us".
What king debases himself and makes himself common? If this is extremely unusual in the natural, how much more extrordinary is it for the King of the Universe to do likewise. To encapsule the mind and thoughts of God and make then known to His creation is inconceivable. And not only make them known but then to extend an invitation to become an heir of the divine. John later writes in his first epistle in Chapter 3:1
"Behold what Manner of Love the FAther has bestowed on us, that we should be called chiildren of God! "
While many children are conceived out of love in a marital or even soon to be marital state there are many that "just happen"
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