Greetings from
AB Ministries
appy New Year and it is so great to be back in stride with each and everyone of you! I'm so excited about 2017. At the beginning of each year, my church home, The R.O.C.K., spends 21 days on a consecration. There are assigned readings and listening material as well as a cutting away from foods, television, and social media. I LOVE this time of the year because you get to live like you really want to live EVERY day for God. You get closer spiritually and further
away from carnality and the things of the world. It makes a difference in what you read, how you think and how you feel. It also points out your fleshly desires and "needs". It's amazing what saying "no" to yourself does to yourself. Denying the flesh and telling Satan, 'get thee behind me'; it can be what most considered antiquated. Yet Jesus tells each of us plainly, that if any man desires to come after me, let him first deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me. How do you fair with this particular commandment? Analyzing where you are spiritually is of the utmost important. The Bible tells us if we judge ourselves, we will not be judged. If we can identify how strong or weak we are, how focused or misfocused we are, how spiritually aligned to our ministry and its vision we are or are not then we can make plans to abound in the work in the Lord because we know I labor is NOT in vain. Let's get FOCUSED on GOD
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