Use the chart on the next page to rate How deep is your love for God.
Count the number of C's and see how you scrore.
Then read the responsces to see what your challenges are.
It's OK to Change and Grow...we all have to
Michael Kors Rhea Zip
darts spoken of in Ephesians 6:16. They enemy lies to us, sends ungodly thoughts to us, suggest evil things to do and more. Our mind has to be controlled, guarded and thinking ONLY by the word of God. A life of thoughts other than leads to an inability to love God. If Satan is the dominating force in our mind then God cannot have our mind or US.
Green Bracelet
Michael Kors
Keegan Pump
How Many C's?
Romans 12:1 says, " I beseech you therefore bretheren, to present yourselves a living sacrifice, holy and and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service." Paul explains to us that it only makes sense "your reasonable" that you give your living body to Christ as sacrifice...meaning He totally controls it because it is dead to you. How we live/lived sent Christ to the cross to die for our sins. If we LOVE God, then stop doing what sent Him to the Christ and use our bodies to bring others into His Kingdom through His church. Only a living sacrifice can love God truley and wholly...that's the only way!
II Corinthians 6:14 says, " Do not be unequally yolked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness?" God cares very much who we have in our life space. He tells us not be deceived because bad company will corrupt good morals. Satan wants nothing more than to drag you back into his clutches and to make you recant that Jesus is your Lord. We make it VERY simple to do when we spend time with the ungodly, when we are close to those who live a sinful life and when we walk in darkness. Paul asks what's the attraction? What's the bond? If you LOVE God then there is no attraction, only sympathy and prayer that they come to love God as well.
While most of us will agree with the United Negro College Fund's slogan, 'A mind is a terrible thing to waste.' it actually is a bit more than that. The mind is the battlefield for the enemy. Satan is not a physical being, yet his influence within other individuals, particularly those who are close and even dear to us can attack us greatly. And just as he can send throught and suggestions to their mind, he does the same for ours. They are called fiery
For man does not see as God sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart is biblical truth realized in the Old Testament- 1Samuel 16:7, it never fails that people say this as if this is a defense for how they live. Yes God knows exactly what is going on in ur heart. He truly understands how much you are not surrendering unto Him. He truly understands how much you are willing to give and sacrifice for Him, when He gave His life for us. He also understands how selfish and self-centered most people who make that statement because changing, even for God, is not on their things to do now or ever. A heart for God considers His wishes and His wil. It cherishes what He cherishes and abhors what He abhors. God does know our heart and He knows if if full of love for Him or just full......