AB Ministries FEB 2017 1 | Page 14



A)is a part of my treasure that I gladly store in heaven by giving

B)matters to God and I value what I give like Abel not Cain

C)is exactly that...my money. God didn't go to work that week...I did!

D)is cheerfully given during offering because that's what God loves

A)are made available for God whenever He needs it

B)are used at my church home whenever I can perform them

C)are available for a reasonable price in church

D)are used to serve God and the people of God faithfully and gladly


How Deep Is Your Love

for God?

A) Belongs to Christ- He PUrchased it with His blood

B) Is the Temple of the Holy Spirit- He lives inside Me

C) Is My Own- I can do with it as I see fit

D) Possess a SouL and God Said All Souls belong to Him

A) Consist of fellowshiping with other Saints

B) Are my brothers and sister in Christ because we have the same values and desires

C) are irrelevant when it comes to God. My relationship with God is private-it has nothing to do w/them

D) Can be intimate but only through the love and laws of God


My Money

My Talents:

My Body:

My Companion(s)