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© Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute. 118 Chapter 5 Accessing the Standard CGI Variables REMOTE_HOST REMOTE_HOST indicates the fully qualified domain name (e.g., whitehouse.gov) of the client that made the request. The IP address is returned if the domain name cannot be determined. You can access this variable with request.getRemoteHost(). REMOTE_USER If an Authorization header was supplied and decoded by the server itself, the REMOTE_USER variable gives the user part, which is useful for session tracking in protected sites. Access it with request.getRemoteUser(). For decoding Authorization information directly in servlets, see Section 4.5 (Restricting Access to Web Pages). REQUEST_METHOD This variable stipulates the HTTP request type, which is usually GET or POST but is occasionally HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, or TRACE. Servlets rarely need to look up REQUEST_METHOD explicitly, since each of the request types is typically handled by a different servlet method (doGet, doPost, etc.). An exception is HEAD, which is handled automatically by the service method returning whatever headers and status codes the doGet method would use. Access this variable by means of request.getMethod(). SCRIPT_NAME This variable specifies the path to the servlet, relative to the server’s root directory. It can be accessed through request.getServletPath(). SERVER_NAME SERVER_NAME gives the host name of the server machine. It can be accessed by means of request.getServerName(). SERVER_PORT This variable stores the port the server is listening on. Technically, the servlet equivalent is String.valueOf(request.getServerPort()), which returns a String. You’ll usually just want request.getServerPort(), which returns an int. Second edition of this book: www.coreservlets.com; Sequel: www.moreservlets.com. Servlet and JSP training courses by book’s author: courses.coreservlets.com.