AB 299 STUDY Great Stories /ab299study.com AB 299 STUDY Great Stories /ab299study.com | Page 12

in evaluating his business . Tim is not asking you to make a decision for him ; he just wants you to help provide him with facts as you see them .
Your task is to analyze the business and report your findings to Tim . Be sure to tell Tim everything that you can think of that will help him to update and improve his business . Tell him what he will need to deal with in terms of Improvements to his business and the challenges ahead .
You will present Tim with a report with the following structure :
Outline Sections of your Final Project ( access the template on the course page ):
The Coversheet should contain the title of your report , the date of submission , and your name .
The Executive Summary should provide an overview of your findings . After the Executive Summary , you will explore the four different areas of Tim ’ s business .
For each of these areas , you will provide a detailed report that contains a title , summary , and action items .
Title of Subsection : Name of the business area ( see the Final Project template ).
Summary : Provide a detailed summary of what you observed in this particular area of the business .
Describe any strengths and weaknesses . Address the Checklist items below :
Action Items : Based on your analysis , detail for Tim what he will need to do to improve his business . Your recommendations should contain detailed directions of what needs to be done and