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AB 299 Unit 2 Assignment Mission Statement Vs Vision Statement

AB 299 Unit 2 Assignment Mission Statement Vs Vision Statement

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In this Assignment , you will look at the differences between the Vision statement ( you completed in
Unit 1 ) and the Mission statement by doing some research on the Internet .
Then decide on an appropriate mission statement for the business . You will revise the company goals
as well as tasks and responsibilities of the employees and Tim based on your Mission statement and
Vision statement . Address the following Checklist items :
· Describe the difference between the Vision statement and the Mission statement .
· Define what the Mission statement should contain and why based on your research . Then state your version of Tim ’ s Coffee Shoppe ’ s Mission statement . http :// extmedia . kaplan . edu / business / Media / AB 299 / Tims _ Coffee _ Shop / index . html
Make sure to address whether the Mission statement allows for future changes in the business without being too broad or too confining a statement .