AB 213 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ab213study.com AB 213 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ab213study.com | Page 12

� Texas � Illinois � California
After reading the information , create a Word Document summarizing the information to include the
following as if this were your catering company : Checklist :
� Choose a state and a city from the list and research the state and local laws that apply to
purchase , storage and consumption of beverages .
� Explain the Federal , state , and local laws that apply to purchase , storage , and consumption of
alcoholic beverages when catering an event in your city of choice .
� Be sure to address : Types of ID accepted , Dram Shop laws , level of intoxication and parents ’
responsibility , and how servers should be trained to sell and serve alcohol .
� Explain how servers should be trained to serve and sell alcohol as well their legal
responsibilities .

� Texas � Illinois � California

After reading the information , create a Word Document summarizing the information to include the

following as if this were your catering company : Checklist :

� Choose a state and a city from the list and research the state and local laws that apply to

purchase , storage and consumption of beverages .

� Explain the Federal , state , and local laws that apply to purchase , storage , and consumption of

alcoholic beverages when catering an event in your city of choice .

� Be sure to address : Types of ID accepted , Dram Shop laws , level of intoxication and parents ’

responsibility , and how servers should be trained to sell and serve alcohol .

� Explain how servers should be trained to serve and sell alcohol as well their legal

responsibilities .