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AB 213 Unit 4 Assignment Purchasing and Receiving Food and Beverage Items ( West Palm Beach )
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· There has been considerable waste involved lately as the cases of half empty food stuffs have been found repeatedly in the trash bins .
· The revenues are down and the customers are complaining that the fare is less than healthy .
Write a minimum 2 – 3 page memo in APA format and style to the managers of the three restaurants .
Disclaimer : The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional . Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental .
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word ® document and save it as Username-AB 213 Assignment-Unit #. doc ( Example : TAllen- AB 213 Assignment-Unit 3 . doc ). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 3 : Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 3 .

AB 213 Unit 4 Assignment Purchasing and Receiving Food and Beverage Items ( West Palm Beach )

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Based on your Unit readings and the following scenario , respond to this Assignment .
Large restaurants and food service organizations set purchasing objectives that ensure an efficient operation . The purchasing manager develops the specifications for purchasing products for a menu item . The Manager establishes a par level to ensure enough products are available during the order period . Product purchasing , receiving and storing involves careful planning and attention to detail .