AB 209 STUDY Education Terms/ab209study.com AB 209 STUDY Education Terms/ab209study.com | Page 9

Part 2. Sales Projections:You will use a template (Excel file) located in Doc Sharing to computehow much you think you will sell the first 3 months; 6 months, and 1 year? Show how you did the math in your answer. Part 1. Expository Essay:Describe what your products and/or services will be and the pricingstrategy involved for your chosen business. Please respond to the following Checklist items: Provide an introductory paragraph to explain your business briefly and the intention in writing this paper. Describe what your business will be selling; Describe the products and/or services (name 3–4 main ones) and the value proposition. Based on your research of the competition, describe the competition’s product/service and provide the price. Then describe the pricing strategy you will use and how the competition’s prices have affected your competitiveness in the marketplace. Pricing Strategies Penetration Pricing = Pricing below normal, long-term price to gain market share. Skimming Pricing =Pricing an item high in the short term to capture the prestige market?helps torecover start-up costs.