AB 209 STUDY Education Terms/ab209study.com AB 209 STUDY Education Terms/ab209study.com | Page 7

In this Assignment you will practice with applying some of the concepts you examined regarding supply chains in your Learning Activity in this unit .
Imagine that your new business is product oriented ; either manufacturing or retail / wholesale . Describe the supply chain that leads to your end product , and what sort of inventory control process you think would be best for your company and why .
Checklist : You will create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of a minimum of 8 slides whichshould include an introduction slide and a references slide .
Identify the type of product business ( manufacturing or retail / wholesale ). Describe inputs , operations processes , and outputs .
Describe and show ( using a simple graphic ) the supply chain leading to production of the product .
Note : a simple graphic , like the example below , is easy to create .
Simple Graphic Example
You can make your own graphic by selecting the Insert tab in your Microsoft ®
Office ® Word document . Then select Microsoft ― SmartArt ®‖ and select the basic graphic you want to use .

In this Assignment you will practice with applying some of the concepts you examined regarding supply chains in your Learning Activity in this unit .

Imagine that your new business is product oriented ; either manufacturing or retail / wholesale . Describe the supply chain that leads to your end product , and what sort of inventory control process you think would be best for your company and why .

Checklist : You will create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of a minimum of 8 slides whichshould include an introduction slide and a references slide .

Identify the type of product business ( manufacturing or retail / wholesale ). Describe inputs , operations processes , and outputs .

Describe and show ( using a simple graphic ) the supply chain leading to production of the product .

Note : a simple graphic , like the example below , is easy to create .

Simple Graphic Example

You can make your own graphic by selecting the Insert tab in your Microsoft ®

Office ® Word document . Then select Microsoft ― SmartArt ®‖ and select the basic graphic you want to use .